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What is Jesus Real Name, Allah, or Jesus’ Father?

A popular question among Christians is, “What is Jesus’ real name?” Many people have different explanations for why they know what it is. They can cite stories, readings, or perhaps even be guided by internal monologue from the God-consciousness within. In this article I present a simple explanation that might help those in need.

In most Greek/Hebrew scriptures, the Hebrew word Jesus is always written with two K’s (ke and o). Thus it is spelled [je] u. a(), [oo] u. i., and [u]. This is consistent with how messianic Israel was recognized as being “God-one” and Jews being “God-one” too. Thus, the K’s are redundant, excepting in the second place where there is a tendency to use the R’s (rey and rimel). Jesus, being one of the three witnesses to the birth of Jesus, was thus recognized as being the father of the Christian religion. As such, when he is called by the people to be the Messiah, he is addressed as “My Son,” “Your Son,” or “Savior.”

So, in conclusion, the K’s of Jesus’ last name indicate his relationship to God. Yeshua is the Hebrew form of Jesus’ full name, which would therefore be Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ was born three hours ago and lived up to all expectations of the Father. At his death, heaven rewarded him triple-fold with salvation from sin, life in glory, and eternal life.

The problem with these definitions, however, is that they often make use of certain language features that can lend a certain air of uncertainty to the idea of “what is Jesus’ name?” For example, it is not uncommon to hear sentences like “he is the Son of God” or “he was the son of man.” Such sentences tend to make use of certain poetic device, and in my opinion they sometimes give too much away to the casual reader. Such sentences should instead be rendered as “he was the son of man or the son of God.” If you must use certain poetic devices in your writing, do so sparingly and only to add an additional layer of meaning to what you are presenting.

The problem with “what is Jesus’ name?” also pertains to the use of certain presuppositions. A commonly used presupposition is that salvation history must have happened between the birth of Jesus and the crucifixion of his father. If you read most modern authors, you will notice that there is no consistent pattern regarding when these two events actually occurred.

Further, most modern writers tend to view Jesus as a Jew who was a very important political leader during His time. Thus, you will discover that many people believe that He was a great leader and powerful teacher, all of which are politically correct truths. One of the things you must do to prove that the Bible is true is to show that it contains historical truth. A simple test is to simply read through a few Bible passages, and note which period of time is most accurate. Using “what is Jesus’ name?” as your question will certainly throw up several facts, some of which you will find interesting.

For example, if we read the account of the Last Supper, it states that Jesus performed three miracles within an hour and a half. If you say the name “Jesus” after those three words, you will find that this is absolutely true. So, if you say, “he was the son of man or the son of God,” the obvious conclusion you would draw is that the crucifixion of Jesus took place around A.D. 30, making the birth story of Jesus much more precise.

The next time you read the Bible, ask yourself what does the name Jesus really mean. If you cannot find an answer that makes sense to you, it is probably time to take a look at the meaning behind several other similar words in the Bible. This may help to clear up any confusion you may be experiencing regarding the meaning of the words Jesus, Allah, or Allahu in relation to Christianity.

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