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Soil Pollution And Its Effects On Food Security

Soil pollution is a major environmental problem worldwide. Soil pollution results from the widespread use of pesticides and fertilizers, the draining of waste water from landfills, and improper disposal of junk food and industrial waste. These practices create toxins in soil that contaminate the environment and can ultimately contaminate drinking water, air, and natural vegetation.

Soil Pollution Causes Soil Pollutants To Flow Aeratically Soil pollution is a result of poor or no soil management. When there are no proper procedures in place for the proper removal of toxic wastes from the fields, such as fertilizers, weed killers, and pesticides, the polluting agents flow down the slopes and become airborne. Air is then transported through wind and absorbed by surrounding plants and trees. As this happens, heavy concentrations of pollutants in surface soils are released into the atmosphere. Satellites also carry some of these pollutants into space.

How Does Soil Pollution Affect The Environment? The disruption of the ecosystem is the most obvious consequence of soil pollution. The disruption of the ecosystem results in a diminished food security, less productive agricultural lands, and contaminated groundwater. Furthermore, the presence of unsafe and unhealthy soils hinders plant growth and development, creating a loss in productivity.

What Can Be Done About Soil Pollution? Prevention is the best remedy against soil pollution. Therefore, the best option for soil pollution prevention is to implement the use of soil control methods and techniques that decrease the input of chemicals and pesticides. This will not only ensure better quality produce but will also reduce the adverse effects of chemical pollutants. Implementing soil conservation and management programs is cost-effective and easy.

There are several ways in which you can conserve and improve the quality of your soil. Manure management systems and composting are two such techniques. Another way of preventing soil erosion and degradation is crop rotation. Ensuring that adequate quantities of carbon and oxygen are provided to the soils in your garden will help improve both your food security and soil quality. Biodiversity is promoted by the practice of crop rotation as well, and the use of fertilizers and pesticides should be limited.

How Do Soil Pollution Affect Human Health? It has been found that soil pollution is associated with a variety of serious illnesses including cancer, infertility and birth defects. Contaminants may also cause respiratory and digestive disorders. As more attention is placed on preventing pollution in our environment, we are also looking at ways to protect our own health from exposure to harmful contaminants. Drinking clean water coming from public sources is one way to do this.

The practice of crop rotation is another way in which farmers can protect their own food supply and keep soil pollution at bay. A rotating stock system transfers an enriched stock of nutrients from one area of the field to another. This enhances plant growth and also improves soil quality. Similarly, fertilizing crops with manure and application of organic mulch can benefit the environment, especially when it is used on non-food crops. This reduces the amount of fertilizers needed to maintain high yields in the environment.

The growing demand for foods that are organic and free from synthetic substances means that soils that experience heavy pollution will not be able to support the productivity of modern agriculture. This can have a significant impact on the food security of people in developing countries. The key to ensuring sustainable soil quality and environmental protection is avoiding polluted sites and using manure and compost as much as possible. This will ensure food security in those areas where local resources are not fully exploited.

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